Committee chair timeline: July

july_200July is a fairly quiet month for a lot of troops. Troop meetings are more casual and often the schedule is scaled back. You may be camping, but the emphasis usually shifts to summer camp or high adventure. There are still a couple things to think about this month:

  • If you’re heading off to summer camp this month, ensure that everyone knows the details – dates, transportation arrangements, gear requirements – and that your fees are paid up, or make arrangements to do so.
  • After the troop returns, have a quick reflection on how things went and how they can go better in the future. If there were any problems that need resolving, or loose ends that need tying up, make sure this gets done.
  • Ensure that merit badges and advancements earned by Scouts at summer camp are recorded with your council’s registrar and through online advancement. Update your troop tracking database, and purchase insignia. Confirm details for the court of honor if your troop holds one over the summer.
  • A thank-you note to the camp director, signed by the Scoutmaster and senior patrol leader, is always appreciated. Be sure to recognize any staff members who were particularly helpful.
  • Support the Scoutmaster in preparing for the annual program planning conference. Draw up a list of important dates – school, community events, council activities – and any feedback on the past year’s activities. Assist with arranging for a location to hold the meeting, whether it’s an afternoon in the church hall or a weekend at a local campsite.
  • It’s also a good time to look at your Journey to Excellence mid-year evaluation that you conducted last month and make plans to move forward based on what you found. Pay particular attention to the adult training requirements. Find out who needs training (the new MyScouting portal allows you to look this up for your troop) and ask your commissioner, district executive or council training committee about training dates. If there are no convenient training dates scheduled, offer to assist with setting up a location or providing staff.
  • Most of all, take time to relax and enjoy the summer! There will be plenty to do next month and into the fall.

Image courtesy of arztsamui /

This post first appeared on Bobwhite Blather.
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