Extraordinary people

Happy_Thanksgiving_200On one of his first episodes of the Scoutmaster Podcast, my friend Clarke Green offered an essay in tribute to Extraordinary people. I found it to be one of the most true-to-life descriptions of the kind of person who becomes a Scouter. At this time of Thanksgiving, I’d like to present Clarke with his essay from Scoutmaster Podcast number nineteen from 2010. It’s a bit over six minutes long, but I’m sure you’ll be nodding your head in astonishment that Clarke recognized the type of person you are.

If you’d like to read along or have the text, I’ve transcribed it and it can be found on the Roundtable Resources page. Clarke would want you to feel free to use it in your own unit or Scouting program as long as you give him credit.

From Clarke, and from me, Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for all you do in service to Scouting and to youth.

This post first appeared on Bobwhite Blather.
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