Making Blue & Gold affordable

The season for Blue & Gold Banquets is upon us. The Blue & Gold tradition is to celebrate the birthday of Scouting in the United States. It was on February 8, 1910, that the Boy Scouts of  America was established, and the first Scout troops formed that year. Twenty years later, the younger-boy program, Cub Scouting, was instituted, and the Blue & Gold Banquet came along as a way to celebrate each year.

There are no hard and fast rules about how to plan and carry out a Blue & Gold banquet. Continue reading “Making Blue & Gold affordable”

Surviving your first Blue & Gold Banquet: The big day

bluegoldlogo_225Your Blue & Gold Banquet is tomorrow and you’re fully prepared. You’ve planned, checked and re-checked every detail. Your committee, den leaders and parent helpers have everything taken care of, and you’re ready to step up and run a successful event.

Or so you wish! Bearing in mind that a visit from Murphy isn’t out of the question, you can still have a successful banquet by doing everything possible to ensure a smooth event ahead of time. And by being quick-thinking and flexible, you can sidestep any kinks and make it look like you planned it that way.

There are some ways to keep those kinks from ruining your day. Continue reading “Surviving your first Blue & Gold Banquet: The big day”

Surviving your First Blue & Gold Banquet: Final preparations

bluegoldlogo_225OK, the big day is approaching and you’re hoping your Blue & Gold Banquet turns out all right. You’re concerned that the boys will have fun and the parents won’t be disappointed.

The good news is that by following the Scout motto – Be Prepared – you can improve your chances of having a smooth banquet with enthusiastic boys and impressed parents.

First, be sure to review the steps I discussed last week. Continue reading “Surviving your First Blue & Gold Banquet: Final preparations”

Surviving Your First Blue & Gold Banquet: Planning

bluegoldlogo_225If there is one event in the Cub Scout year that could be considered the high point, it’s the Blue and Gold Banquet. Every winter, Cub Scout packs hold a celebration of Scouting’s anniversary. Scouts gather, along with their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins for food, fellowship, recognition, entertainment and Scout spirit.

And the Master of Ceremonies is you – the Cubmaster.

If you’re a new Cubmaster, you might be wondering just what you’ve gotten yourself into! Continue reading “Surviving Your First Blue & Gold Banquet: Planning”