
University of ScoutingI got a draft notice last night.

Well, sort of. Our council’s Dean of Boy Scouts for University of Scouting e-mailed me to ask if I could teach the Strictly for Committee Chairs class, and I agreed to be drafted into service once again. I’ve taught the class a few times before. I try to impart some of what I’ve learned in seven years’ service as a troop committee chair, and enjoy interacting with other committee chairs, listening to issues they’re having and try to arrive at solutions. 

So in addition to being a student (I’m taking basic training for unit commissioners, in keeping with my new responsibilities), I’ll be on staff trying to help other Scouters get the most out of their Scouting experience.

If you are in or near southeast Michigan, mark January 31 on your calendar, plan to attend our University of Scouting, and if you’re interested, sign up for my class. It’s during the last period of the day, 2:00 to 3:00 PM. You’ll find a hundred different classes as well as a midway featuring Scouting departments and programs and vendors of interest to Scouts and Scouters. Lunch is included as well!

And if you’re not near us, please find and attend a University of Scouting near you. I guarantee it’s the best way to spend a day and sharpen your skills as a Scouter.

This post first appeared on Bobwhite Blather.
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2 Replies to “Drafted!”

  1. Wow, wish I did live closer or air fares were lower. Any chance you may record and upload to You Tube or place on your blog your presentation. I will be attending (& presenting) at a UoS, but different council and location/date. Would like to see any resources use used to develop or reference for your presentation.

    1. James,

      We won’t be recording the sessions but I’ll put some of my resources here on Bobwhite Blather. Look under the “Roundtable Resources” tab up at the top, where you’ll find some of my previous UoS and Roundtable materials. And good luck with your class at UoS!

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