Scouting reimagined

Our Friends of Scouting theme last year was Imagine… The conversation revolved around imagining not just what Scouting could help your son or daughter realize, but to also imagine what the world would be like without Scouting.

As the Boy Scouts of America proceeds into bankruptcy proceedings as it struggles with the fallout from decades of improperly handling abuse allegations by volunteers, we can actually begin to realize what the world would be like if Scouting – the organization, not the movement – were no longer around. And even though bankruptcy is intended to shield the remaining assets, it’s not inconceivable that Scouting as we know it could diminish to the point where it is no longer sustainable.

The national organization is taking some steps to try to shore up its revenue and its membership. Continue reading “Scouting reimagined”

A Scout Salute for Memorial Day

This year, Memorial Day is an opportunity to think less of beaches, parades and barbecues, and more about remembrance.

With that in mind, our council has passed along the following information from the BSA about how Scouts and Scouters can mark the occasion.

Dear Scouting Community,

In response to necessary adjustments to traditional Memorial Day plans, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has partnered with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ensure every fallen hero is remembered this year with a special tribute and salute. Continue reading “A Scout Salute for Memorial Day”

A quieter summer

The summer of 2020 in Scouting is shaping up to be very different from any other summer we’ve experienced in our lifetimes. With personal protection and social distancing the current norms, a lot of the activities that Scouts enjoy either cannot happen or need to be modified substantially.

Councils around the country are figuring out how to provide a summer camp experience to tens of thousands of Scouts while maintaining the health and safety we hold in high priority. Continue reading “A quieter summer”

An Eagle extension

Despite our efforts to keep Scouting programs going in the face of the worldwide pandemic, some things just become impossible at the moment. Merit badge requirements that include camping, for instance, and the collaborative nature of Eagle projects when we can’t come together due to social distancing threaten the timely completion of requirements.

A Scout’s eighteenth birthday can’t be postponed, of course, so the national advancement team has announced a temporary policy change to allow accommodations for Scouts approaching the age-out deadline to have an extension of time to earn Scouting’s highest honor. Continue reading “An Eagle extension”

What to do instead

The worldwide health crisis has changed and is changing the way of life. It’s no surprise that it has touched Scouting and affected it in ways we could not have imagined. Even the “any old thing” that Baden-Powell suggested we Be Prepared for probably didn’t anticipate what we’re going through.

It should be evident that our traditional unit meetings need to be approached very cautiously. Continue reading “What to do instead”