Pandemic-related Eagle extension changes

A few months ago, we wrote about the special extension of time to complete Eagle Scout, Summit Award and Quartermaster Award requirements beyond the age of eighteen due to circumstances related to the pandemic and the closures and program shutdowns that occurred in 2020.

Now that the year is ending and those temporary extensions are expiring, we’re being provided with new guidance on Eagle extensions and how to request one.

The basic change is that effective January 1, 2021, local councils will be given the authority to grant extensions of up to six months, rather than the three month extensions authorized back in April.  In the past, extensions beyond three months required approval from the National Council. Approval of these extension requests must come from the council’s Scout Executive, rather than being delegated to the council advancement committee.

Extensions are contingent on meeting the tests in the Guide to Advancement, section This section and a couple others are being revised effective January 1; one revision changes the number of tests needing to be met to qualify for an extension from five to three. These tests are, briefly:

  • The Scout must have joined or re-joined with enough time to complete the requirements prior to age 18
  • A circumstance beyond the Scout’s control that prevented progress on requirements must have occurred (the pandemic is considered such a circumstance)
  • The circumstance is beyond the control of the Scout and could not be foreseen.

There is a new form and procedure for applying for the six-month extension. The form used as a result of the 2020 action will be obsolete. Note too that extensions granted between Octrober 1 and December 31 will still expire three months after they are granted.

There is information on the new extension in this item from the BSA Program Updates section, and the updated sections in the Guide to Advancement relating to the extension and appeals process here.

If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to get in touch with your district advancement team as soon as possible. You should be aware of these changes if you have any Life Scouts who are within a few months of turning eighteen.


This post first appeared on Bobwhite Blather.
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