Leaders as teachers

Even though neither the official mission statement nor the aims of the Boy Scouts of America makes mention of it, leadership is one of the hallmarks of the Scouting program.  In fact, while leadership development is one of the methods used to accomplish the aims of Scouting, the end result is that in the process of developing character, citizenship and fitness, we happen to produce great leaders.

This leadership development happens at all levels. Yes, there are adult leaders who run the Cub Scout program and serve in Boy Scouts, but it is the development of leaders at the youth level that, to paraphrase the old GE commercial, is our most important product. Continue reading “Leaders as teachers”


42115099dmvcjyy_200Many observations from management training can be adapted in several ways so we can use them within Scouting. Perhaps this is why Wood Badge is so successful on both fronts: it’s an excellent training program for Scouters but it also helps us in our work and home lives.

Recently, Dan Rockwell wrote in his blog Leadership Freak about a new book by Bob Hancox and Russell Hunter, Coaching for Engagement, and pointed out ways that managers can become coaches and move from managing the process to managing the people Continue reading “Engagement”

Leader: a title or an attitude?

I frequently sit on rank advancement boards of review in our troop. Because it’s so important to me, I usually ask the scouts we interview about leadership in one aspect or another. I ask whether the scout holds a position of responsibility in the troop, how he’s handling it and if he’s  had any problems. I also ask him what he thinks “being a leader” means. While occasionally we’ll hear an answer that really impresses me – the “right” answer: a leader serves others – usually what we hear is “a leader gets to boss people around” or something similar. I’ll also ask if he views himself differently since he’s held a position, and in what way. Continue reading “Leader: a title or an attitude?”

How to not be helpful

I’d like to continue the series of posts following up on my presentation at last fall’s University of Scouting, in which I offered some suggestions on how committee chairs could better serve their unit committees. We can do this is by viewing our responsibility the way we encourage the boys to: as servant leaders, primarily concerned with the well-being and performance of others on the committee. Continue reading “How to not be helpful”