Effective committee meetings: The purpose of meetings

In the last post I opened the topic of how to have effective meetings of your troop or pack committee. Meetings are not effective if they are a random discussion on random topics among whoever bothers to show up, when they show up. You can learn techniques for being effective in your role as committee chair and for accomplishing real results within an efficient time frame. Continue reading “Effective committee meetings: The purpose of meetings”

Effective committee meetings: Introduction

How many times have you been asked to attend a meeting but you had no idea what the meeting was for? It’s like being ambushed or held hostage – you don’t know who’s going to be there, how long it will take, what’s going to be discussed, or – worst of all – what you’ll be asked to be prepared to contribute. It’s an unsettling feeling, something you may dread looking forward to, and certainly that sense of the unknown will be remembered more than what, if anything, was accomplished at the meeting. Sometimes you just walk away and say to yourself, “did we actually do anything?” Continue reading “Effective committee meetings: Introduction”